Saturday, November 14, 2015

Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos

I was recently introduced to a new author named David Ramos who just released his new book, "Climbing with Abraham". In his book, Mr Ramos takes us on a thirty day adventure with Abraham; walking with him, seeing his ups and downs, and, most importantly, finding out how faith in God sustained him and enabled him to achieve the promises and plans of God for him in his every day life. Mr Ramos' writing style is fresh, thoughtful, and personal. As we read the story of Abraham, we begin to understand that we are reading Mr Ramos' story as well. His story, and the lessons we learn from Abraham, gives us great hope and courage that we too can become people of faith just like Abraham. Mr Ramos writes, "The Christian life is, for the most part, not supernatural. What Christ and the Holy Spirit did and do is certainly beyond this world. But on our part, most of what we do will be classified as normal. Normal prayers, normal errands, normal difficulties and frustrations, and normal successes. It’s God who takes the normal and turns it into supernatural." We live in everyday life yet it is our faith that ties us back to God and helps us not only to see God in everything we do but to also see our lives and everything we do in God. We are part of a a larger plan and purpose. Sometimes or frustrations come when we loose sight of the fact that we are in God's plans not Ne in ours. If we can just look up and see the larger reality then our life will begin to become more clear and take on greater understanding and importance. This is what Abraham found through his of faith and what Mr Ramos challenges us also to find as we too walk in faith with God, I highly recommend this book for yourself or for any one you may know who is also journeying through this life by faith.

David Robison

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