Thoughts from the scriptures. The following is a public journal of my personal Bible study. I hope and pray that these thoughts will be a blessing to you.
This is a message I preached on 11-Mar-2007. In this message I challanged our church to consider if we are living focused lives or lives of clutter. I challenged them that even our religious life can be cluttered and lacked focus. I then spoke about three specific changes that God wants to bring to how we "do" church. The message is about 29 minutes followed by about 11 minutes of worship as we "engaged" God.
You heard it first, right here: I believe following the DT18:8 principle of sharing could release people in a very special way.!/profile.php?id=1426290399
You heard it first, right here: I believe following the DT18:8 principle of sharing could release people in a very special way.